Early/Fluent (Levels K–M) Classroom Library Set

  • $96.00
  • SKU: BSE51637
  • In Stock

Inspire students to become lifelong readers with this complete fiction and nonfiction classroom library set. Each content-rich book supports standards-based concepts and includes amazing real-life photography and colorful illustrations that will enhance students' reading experience. This set includes 1 copy of each of 15 early readers. 15 books total. Titles included:

Best Day Ever!K24
Go, Team, Go!K24
Dino DinnerK24
The Biggest Smallest DinosaurK24
Grandma on BoardK24
Pirate SchoolK24
Raiders at SeaK24
Did You Know?L24
Save It!L24
Horses of the SeaL16
The Truth About Cats and DogsM16
National Park AdventuresM24
Hello, Hippo!M16
Wild NosesM16

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